Category: Causes


Tough times ahead for charities

It’s an oxymoron. Charitable organisations have raised a record amount of funds this summer, yet many say that they’re in trouble. What is going on? This ABC News article examines why charities are seeing their donations dry up (hint: it’s related to the bushfires).

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Telling fact from fiction

Diabetes is Australia’s fastest-growing chronic condition, but you probably don’t know much about it. Chances are that you know someone with diabetes, but the condition is often stigmatised and misunderstood. How much do you really know about diabetes and how it affects people?

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Picking up the bill

The reaction to the bushfire crisis has been nothing short of extraordinary, raising almost half a billion dollars so far. At the Vocal Minority, we look at this phenomenon from a fundraising and advocacy point of view.

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NDIS review finds systemic problems

A recent review of the NDIS scheme has found that the implementation of the system has not been smooth. The report claims that people with disability have reported poor experiences when working with NDIA staff and its partners in the community.

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Seen it all before?

The summer of 2020 will forever be remembered as one of relentless and unprecedented bushfires. Of people seeking shelter on the beach on New Year’s Eve. It will also go down as a defining time where bushfires and climate change became synonymous in our minds. Here are the key facts.

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Say NO to drilling the Great Australian Bight

Enough is enough. Bushfires are having an incomprehensible impact on Australia’s wildlife.

It’s time to do what we can to save what we have left.

We must say NO to drilling the Great Australian Bight.

Sign our petition to give it the protection it deserves.

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Support our petition for a Koala protection act

We’ve seen enough devastation to make our hearts overflow with grief. We need hope for the future.

Australians are facing a grim fact: our beloved koalas may become extinct as a result of these horrific bushfires. We must act now to enforce a Koala Protection Act.

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We want to put CareFlight out of work!

Why? Because every year, CareFlight helps thousands of Australians who have been injured at home and need to be hospitalised – but many of those injuries are preventable. Our short survey will determine how much you know about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.

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