Demand removal of deadly shark nets across QLD and NSW waters


Our marine life is calling for help. 

Australia’s use of shark nets and drumlines by QLD and NSW Governments has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of over 100,000 sharks and numerous marine animals. Despite their long history, these methods have been repeatedly proven ineffective and harmful to marine ecosystems, yet still practised in the name of tourism. 

It’s time we stop outdated practices that harm our marine life and ourselves. 

We call upon QLD Premier Steven Miles and NSW’s Premier Chris Minns to take these immediate action:

  • The immediate removal of shark nets and drumlines from QLD and NSW waters.
  • Closure of the 43B loophole in the EPBC Act that allows culling of protected species without formal approvals.

We are collecting 5,000 signatures by July 31, 2024. These outdated practices endanger numerous marine species and create a false sense of security among beachgoers. It’s time to prioritise marine conservation and beach safety through education and modern, non-lethal shark mitigation technologies.

Join us in urging decision-makers to end shark culling and adopt humane, effective strategies for coexisting with sharks in our oceans

Petition to: Steven Miles, QLD Premier & Chris Minns, NSW Premier

Petition to: Steven Miles, QLD Premier & Chris Minns, NSW Premier

  • QLD and NSW have conducted deadly shark culling using nets and drumlines for over 90 years.
  • These methods have killed over 100,000 sharks, baby whales, dolphins, turtles, dugongs, and other marine animals. 
  • 40% of sharks bypass nets, making them ineffective at protecting swimmers.
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